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In Trends

Match brand activity to mobile moments

Identifying the moments when people are most receptive to mobile advertising will be a key facilitator of the data exchange economy and will guard against the rise of ad blocking, a leading industry figure has argued.

Writing in the current issue of Admap, David Wright, an innovation specialist at Kantar’s global operations, says that mobile is now so heavily integrated into our everyday lives that marketers need to discern what ‘mobile moment’ someone is in, and then decide whether it’s the right one for a meaningful brand interaction.

He outlines research, based on 7,500 people who had clicked on at least one search or display ad over a period of several months, which found that 30% of mobile moments are less than a minute long.

“There are opportunities for brands in these moments, such as price alerts and location-based offers,” he says, “but these need to be infrequent, respecting that this person just wants to feel connected.”

The data also indicates “a broad sweet spot of three to fifteen minutes where both ad clicks are happening often and the mobile moments in which they sit are frequent”.

And during these longer moments – which are taking place across the whole day – a creative agency has time to “frame a big idea expressed through a clever interactive video”.
