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Emarsys launches predictive recommendation engine in Asia

Customer engagement solutions provider Emarsys on 20 February launched Emarsys Predict, an integrated cross-channel recommendation engine, in Asia. This self-learning marketing engine intelligently creates unique and individually relevant recommendations based on online behaviour analysis and predictive technology.

When visiting Predict powered website, online shopper can not only see personalised product recommendations but also get an email reinforcing those recommendations. It’s the kind of sophisticated customer targeting technology Amazon and eBay have been using to engage with online shoppers.

Predict captures customers’ most recent online behaviour, analyses the "crowd data", constantly scoring the affinity for each product to each contact.

Different from rule-based recommendations, price comparisons and manual product selections, Predict makes recommendations purely on the specific online shopping behaviour of the customer, according to Ohad Hecht, emarsys Managing Director, APAC. This technology makes it possible for marketers to deliver automated campaigns based on the big data and improve customer experience as well as customer retention.

Emarsys has integrated this latest technology into its eMarketing Suite after completing the acquisition of Scarab Research, a provider of predictive technology with a long list of clients to its name.

Square Meal, the UK’s leading guide to finding and booking restaurants, bars, venues and events was the first Emarsys customer who integrated Predict as part of the eMarketing Suite. Square Meal now uses Emarsys Predict as their recommendation technology which seamlessly links in with the Emarsys Automation Centre. Visitors are now 67 percent more likely to click through to a restaurant from email recommendations, as well as 400 percent more likely to convert, thus growing their brand loyalty.

"Predict has proven results which show significant increases in revenue," said Hecht. "It’s built for real-time monitoring, testing and measuring success metrics such as impressions, conversions and revenue. You will see this for your own business," he added.