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Chinese government issues official mark for children’s cosmetics products

To enhance the supervision and protect the consumers, the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) in China issued an official mark for children’s cosmetics products on 29th November 2021.

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The new official sign is named “Little Golden Shield” (Xiao Jindun), demonstrating the efforts of all parties in improving the safety of children’s cosmetics and creating a favourable environment for the growth of children and infants, said the official announcement.

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To comply with the regulation, all children’s cosmetics must be clearly labelled with the mark. The new logo should appear on the top left corner on the packaging of children’s cosmetics products. The width of the logo shall be no less than 2 centimetres when the cover of the product is more than 100 square centimetres. If it is less than or equal to 100 square centimetres, the width of the logo shall be no less than 1 centimetre.