UNIQLO on Thursday announced that it has appointed Novak Djokovic, the world’s top-ranked male professional tennis player, as its global brand ambassador. The five-year partnership, which takes effect from Thursday, will see Djokovic promoting the UNIQLO brand and UNIQLO clothing worldwide. The partnership will also include collaboration on future product lines, as well as co-developing the ultimate UNIQLO functional wear.
A preview of the collaboration’s first results will be seen at this year’s Roland-Garros French Open Tennis Tournament that starts on 27 May, where Djokovic will debut his newly designed UNIQLO match wear to spectators in Paris and to a worldwide TV audience.
In launching the new partnership between UNIQLO and Novak Djokovic, UNIQLO confirmed that as its first corporate social responsibility activity it will manufacture a custom-designed charity UT (UNIQLO T-shirt) to sell at a select number of UNIQLO stores and online. Proceeds from the sale of this UT will be donated to the Novak Djokovic Foundation to support children’s programmes. Details regarding the design of the UT, as well as timing and location of sale will be announced in due course.