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The wellness burnout: Key takeaways from Lululemon’s new report

Lululemon campaign

Canadian athletic wear company Lululemon’s fourth annual Global Wellbeing Report for 2024 sheds light on a paradox: the more we chase wellbeing, the less well we seem to feel.

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The report exposes a growing societal pressure to maintain wellbeing standards, leading to a detrimental impact on individuals’ health.

In the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, 90 percent of the population is intensifying their efforts to enhance their wellbeing, yet this surge in focus is accompanied by a rising tide of stress and burnout.

Despite 71 percent of individuals in the APAC region prioritising wellbeing (a 7 percent increase from 2023), a troubling 60 percent find themselves grappling with persistent stress and extreme burnout.

Looking at specific demographics, Gen Z individuals are bearing the brunt of loneliness, with 61 percent feeling isolated compared to 46 percent of the wider APAC population.

Moreover, a significant 63 percent of men in the region report feelings of exhaustion, surpassing the global average for men at 58 percent.

Despite the persistent emphasis on wellbeing, the Wellbeing Index Scores, measured across physical, mental, and social dimensions, have stagnated globally and regionally over the past four years. This stagnation underscores the urgent need for a reevaluation of approaches to enhancing wellbeing.

The report pinpoints key stressors fuelling the wellbeing crisis: 62 percent of respondents are burdened by societal expectations to appear well, while 54 percent are confounded by conflicting information on improving wellbeing.

Amidst the global wellbeing struggle, certain markets and demographics within APAC are particularly vulnerable to burnout.

Southeast Asian nations like Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore rank high as “wellbeing burn zones,” with elevated levels of burnout. Men, in particular, are significantly impacted, with 43 percent reporting heightened loneliness compared to 38 percent of women.

Younger generations are also disproportionately affected, with 76 percent of Gen Z and 70 percent of Millennials feeling the weight of societal pressure to be well, in contrast to 58 percent of Gen X and 45 percent of older generations.

In response to these challenges, the report advocates for a holistic approach that integrates community and movement to break free from the wellbeing dilemma. By engaging in physical activities with others, individuals can foster stronger community bonds, find purpose, and boost overall wellbeing by as much as 16 percent.

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On the heels of the report’s release, Lululemon has launched the ‘Together we grow’ campaign, aiming to inspire individuals to embrace physical activity and social connection.

The campaign, coinciding with World Mental Health Day, features a compelling array of activities, including inspirational stories from renowned ambassadors like actor Park Seo Jun and CrossFit athlete Amotti.