In the fifth installment of our Metaverse series, we focus on brand counterfeiting in the virtual world. Luxury brands have always been confronted with this issue in the real world and the recent rise…
In the fifth installment of our Metaverse series, we focus on brand counterfeiting in the virtual world. Luxury brands have always been confronted with this issue in the real world and the recent rise…
Just weeks after its second store opening in Shanghai and amid months of ongoing legal battles with Supreme, counterfeit organization Supreme Italia is losing its trademark registrations in China .…
The fake store has gone to extremes to replicate the original Supreme store experience, with identical interior fixtures, hip-hop playing, and even the same plastic bag.…
In its latest efforts to promote brand safety and protection on its platforms, ecommerce giant Alibaba today unveiled enhancements to its intellectual property (IP) protection platform.…
From geopolitical disputes to debates over cultural appropriation, China tends to be a place where it’s easy for foreign brands to get embroiled in controversies no matter how hard they try to avoid i…
After years of debate in the luxury industry about how to publicly tackle counterfeit goods, a growing number of high-end names from Gucci to Moncler and Alexander Wang are suing sellers of fakes.…
Luxury and fashion brands are fighting back against counterfeiters with new digital technologies.…