Retail in Asia


Joint PODCAST #3 Voices from Sustainability 2.0

Retail in Asia launches its podcast series “Run with us” to keep our readers, always on the move and craving for market insights, up to date in the fast-changing retail landscape in Asia.

Retail in Asia has invited Christina Dean, Founder and CEO of The R Collective and Founder and Chair of Redress to a joint discussion with Diego Dultzin Lacoste, Co-founder and CFO of OnTheList.

There is a lot of sustainability within the retail industry and so far everyone seems busy with trying to “produce” goods sustainably. This podcast discusses what to do with goods, which are already circulating and how to make the most out of it.

Christina brings in the experience of her NGO adventure with Redress and her belief in the positive power of fashion. Additionally, she has also launched a social impact upcycled fashion brand that follows the rule of sustainable fashion by using waste material for new design creations.

Diego brings to the table his experience in discussing with brands how to deal with stock issues, yet preserving the brand identity, pushing them towards an understanding of their impact in the world.

Podcast #3