Retail in Asia

In Trends

Online Retail Awards invites entries

The Online Retail Awards (ORAs) is inviting entries by the competition closing date of 30 April.

The ORAs aim to recognise the best online experiences provided by retailers for their customers in a market now acknowledged to have grown by over 20 percent in the worst economic environment for 80 years.

Any retailer or agency can enter the competition. Both traditional and online-only retailers and their digital agencies carry out huge amounts of work to create great web shopping experiences for customers.

Featured in this year’s ORAs will be two new categories: Best Online Retail Launch Website (open to both new and relaunched websites) and Best Online Retail Portal Site. Both have been included as a result of suggestions made by last year’s entrants and finalists. In addition, the Cooking & Cookery category now makes full allowance for restaurants with online shops.

For full details on the competition, including the list of categories and useful advice on how to enter, visit Online Retail Awards.