Processed food player McCain Foods Pvt Ltd is set to double its retail network in India from current 4,500 to 9,000-10,000. The company offers frozen food products like McCain French Fries, McCain Smiles, apart from local delights such as McCain Aloo Tikki, and Idli Sambar Combo among others.
"We have a retail network through food outlets of around 4,500 currently. We plan to double that to over 9,000 soon," said Vikas Mittal, managing director of McCain Foods Pvt. Ltd., refusing to divulge investment details for the same. Denying any immediate exclusive store plans, Mittal said that the company will continue to market its products through multi-branded frozen food outlets across the country.
The company currently supplies 30,000 metric tonnes of potatoes to quick service restaurant player McDonalds India for its "French Fries".
(Source: Business Standard)