Retail in Asia

In Trends

Tyco on track to double number of stores implementing RFID by fall 2013

There are more than 1,000 retail stores worldwide installed the RFID Inventory Intelligence Solutions of Tyco Retail Solutions, the company said on Monday.

The US-based retail performance and security solutions provider offers comprehensive RFID solutions to help top retailers turn technology innovation into tangible business value. It’s on track to double the number of store locations implementing RFID by fall 2013 based on deployments currently underway.

"Industry experts and retailers agree the market for RFID has reached a tipping point. As the global standards and technology have evolved, pricing options have become more attractive and retailers are realising RFID can deliver compelling benefits to the store and to the enterprise," said Ramesh Jayaraman, Asia Pacific Vice President, Tyco Retail Solutions.

"We have been at the forefront of RFID from the very start, helping pioneering retailers implement solutions that drive real-world value and performance. Our breadth of offerings and commitment to innovation has driven top retailers across the globe to partner with us for RFID and other retail performance solutions."

According to Jayaraman, Tyco is expecting to have shipped over 750 million Sensormatic brand RFID tags (with the ability to be re-circulated) by the fall of 2013 as demand steadily increases. In addition, Tyco’s Sensormatic RFID device shipments are expected to grow over 250 percent by then.