Retail in Asia

In Markets

Report: Global powers of retailing 2010

The retail industry is emerging from one of the most tumultuous economic years in recent memory. The 13th annual edition of Global Powers of Retailing looks at which retailers have pulled through, which ones haven’t, which individual retail segments have struggled most, and which ones seem to have weathered the crisis – and why. The report, produced by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in conjunction with STORES Media, ranks the world’s top 250 retailers and looks at global markets, the annual Q ratio rating, as well as what lies ahead for the retail industry.

Report highlights:

  • Emerging-market retailers are set to take on established players – the playing field for retail is levelling off.
  • Retail-spending growth in markets such as the US and UK is likely to be slower over the next decade, while a larger share of growth will take place in countries with large surpluses, especially the big emerging markets.
  • Most retailers have yet to make an online push as social networking sites start to make an impact.

To view the full report, visit Deloitte.