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Hongkong and Shanghai hotels book rooms in hybrid cloud

The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels (HSH) chose Verizon Terremark enterprise cloud computing solution to consolidate and centralize its technology infrastructure for better customer support.

Realizing the need to centralize its IT infrastructure to better align its processes and systems in support of its customers, the Asian hospitality group HSH decided to adopt a hybrid cloud computing infrastructure. With the combined private and public cloud environment, HSH can leverage additional capacity on demand during peak booking periods.

Additionally, by eliminating the need to maintain servers at the company’s many locations around the globe, HSH’s central IT team would be able to focus its efforts on accelerating the development of new services for both guests and staff.

HSH chose Verizon for its ability to support critical data and applications such as Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint, which could be integrated and accessed with HSH’s global active directory structure.

During the process of infrastructure migration and delivery, it was reported there was no business disruption to critical systems like reservations and back-office applications, which were available and fully operational throughout the transition.

"A robust, secure and reliable IT infrastructure is critical to delivering [our world class guest services], whether in terms of supporting our Web presence, our reservations system, our in-house service delivery or our ongoing customer interactions […] Scalability to support our expanding business requirements was a key concern for us, but so too was a solution that would support agility and help us be more innovative in our service and solution delivery," said Shane Izaks, HSH’s general manager of IT.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels was incorporated in 1866 and owns and operates a range of prestigious hotels, commercial and residential properties across Asia, the US and Europe, including the luxury Peninsula Hotels in nine cities.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd. (HSH) is implementing an enterprise cloud computing solution to consolidate its technology infrastructure and provide better customer support.

HSH operates a range of prestigious hotels, commercial and residential properties across Asia, the United States and Europe, including the luxury Peninsula Hotels in nine cities.

Shane Izaks, HSH’s General Manager of Information Technology, said a reliable IT infrastructure is key to providing guests with world-class hospitality and guest services.

The company has chosen a hybrid public/private cloud computing infrastructure provided by Verizon Terremark. Among the benefits it expects include additional capacity on demand during peak booking periods, and eliminating the need to maintain servers at the company’s many locations around the globe.

Wit its IT team freed up from routine functions, it is expected to be able to focus on accelerating the development of new services for both guests and staff.