Retail in Asia

In Trends

Full room for the 1st edition of the Asia Retail Arena


Great success for the 1st edition of the Asia Retail Arena.

Retail in Asia, P&P, and The Italian Chamber of Commerce joined forces to create a unique platform to bring together the key players and disruptors in
the retail industry.

The event was an opportunity to shed light on the changes and transformation that have been forging the contemporary retail landscape.

That’s why the name ‘arena’, a Latin word, borrowed to indicate a place for debate. Indeed, it was a moment for professionals working in the retail industry to engage in a fruitful discussion.

PHOTO-2018-05-18-11-29-14The three topics selected for the 1st edition were:

  • From space to experience : what’s next for the physical store?
  • Luxury and the digital equation?
  • Travel retail shopping : a journey or a just a destination?

The Asian Retail Arena was the result of the interaction among different stakeholders within the industry, and the format clearly reflected the intent of the diverse organizing committee. Indeed, the three businesses involved  are very different in nature, but all big players in the retail industry.

Stay tuned. Summary coming soon!