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A closer look at Pinterest’s update for retailers


Pinterest has invested in a multi-platform update for businesses that will allow them more control over what consumers see and more promptly displays pins that can be purchased. While the social platform was the first introduce a buy button upon its inception, commerce via social media has been stagnant – but that might change in the near future. The social media platform has shifted things around in terms of buy buttons and purchasing, continuing to adjust for a better consumer experience. Pinterest’s update will allow retailers to customise a rotating showcase that sits at the top of their profiles. The first thing users will see will be the best items for purchased or the best content pinned, as determined by the retailer. SEE ALSO: Pinterest is a big traffic driver to retail sites Retailers will now look consistent throughout all platforms, which is a major plus point as the more consistent the brand, the better in the subconscious mind of the consumer. Pinterest’s updated platform will now make sure that the boards chosen to be showcased and their corresponding selected cover pictures will appear the same on all devices, giving retailers better control over their brand. Most importantly, there is a shop slot at the top of retailer’s boards and pages that will feature selected pins that can be shopped. Retailers can adjust these based on their needs, giving presence to what makes sense for their brand such as products on sale or holiday shopping during December. Pinterest knows it has a huge opportunity to target consumers with options to purchase, as users are often on its platform to look for products and ideas. Now, users are able to purchase items featured on Pinterest on the Web, as well as on their mobile devices, and add them to a bag to complete multiple purchases, along with a checkout feature to compete with PayPal and Apple Pay that saves users’ information.